kementrian pendidikan

Course Vouchers

Our Course Vouchers are perfect for giving one of our courses as a gift. Perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine's Day or Christmas Day as they are transferrable to anyone.
Plus they are valid for one year so you can buy at a lower price in case course fees go up, and also in case you have not confirmed your learning dates for the year. 
Once you have made payment, we will send you a digital voucher with the validity dates that you can easily send to a friend or family member.


2-Hour Short Crash Course

Get up to speed quickly with the basics, learning essential phrases, words and cultural etiquette.
Price: IDR 400,000 per person.


Beginner Group Course

A fun, interesting and very effective introduction to Bahasa Indonesia. 2 Hours of classes a day for one month, a total of 40 hours.
Price: IDR 3,500,000 per person for a 40-hour course.


Private Course

A fast, effective course where you and how you learn best are the focus. We start from the beginning, or start from what you know.
Price: IDR 3,750,000 per person for a 20 hour course.


Intensive Private Course

4 to 6 Hours per day is an intensive way to rapidly gain fluency in bahasa Indonesia. The focus is on you and your language-learning goals.
Price: IDR 3,500,000 per person for 20 hour course.


Online Private Course

Learn online with us from anywhere in the world, or even from your home in Bali. As effective as learning in person at our school.
Price: IDR 3,750,000 per person for a 20 hour course.