kementrian pendidikan

Cinta Bahasa Student Testimonials 2016

Emily Nick
Desember 2016

I enjoyed learning bahasa Indonesia at Cinta Bahasa. Vetta, Dimaz, and team were all helpful aand friendly. I’m excited to continue learning and practicing everyday. I love seeing people smile when I surprise them and speak in their language. Highly recommend Cinta Bahasa!

Roch Belle-Isle
Desember 2016

This 4 weeks training was intense and very informative. Lot’s of practice is require to master Indonesian language. Vetta is very sweet and knowlegeable teacher. Her constant smile made it easier to learn when lots of info was shared. I would certainly recommend Vetta and this school to others.

Fi Jamieson – Folland
Desember 2016

Really enjoyed our lessons; with both Dewi and especially more recently with Anna. Anna makes it so easy to learn; she anticipates our needs, creates learning material interpretation for our classes that is interesting, relevant and challenging. I appreciate the way Cinta Bahasa is so flexible with our classes bookings, and always easy to deal with. I’m very interested to book more classes when we return to Bali next year. Thank you, you’re made my learning experience memorable, meaningful and relevant to my needs.

Roy Gerth van Wijk
Desember 2016

During a short stay in Bali I followed 8 hours lessons. It helped me a lot. I am already following a course in the Netherlands, but these 8 hourse gave me a boost. I am motivated to continue with on-line lessons and to come back for a longer period of private lessons. Hana is very nice and skillful teacher. I learned a lot not only from the lessons but lso from the discussions wwe had about all kind of topics. I recommend Cinta Bahasa for all who are interested in Bahasa Indonesia.

Sarah (Global Hobo)
Desember 2016

Terima kasih Gusde and Sidhi! You have been the best guru, and I have enjoyed every class. Thanks for your patience and willingness to answer all our questions. Also Gusde, thanks for your entertaining cat impressions.

Eva (Global Hobo)
Desember 2016

Terima kasih Dewa! I loved doing my language classes. Dewa was very patient and answered all our silly questions. Best language school in Bali.

Georgie (Global Hobo)
Desember 2016

Thank you so much Yasa! I had such a fun month learning Indonesian, and have learnt things that I will hopefully remember forever! Thanks for putting up with our cheeky class, even though we sucked. Saya cinta Yasa.

Wease Neal (Global Hobo)
Desember 2016

Yasa you’re the best – terima kasih for teaching all of us even though we are a bit hopeless. We sure did learn some vital words and saying in bahasa Indonesia. Cheers mate!

Haneesa (Global Hobo)
Desember 2016

Thanks Yasa for conducting great classes with us. We appreciate your time and effort to help us with bahasa Indonesia and plan classes for us. Sorry if I didn’t attend many classes, but I enjoyed the classes I went for. Terima kasih! Kami ssuka dating ke kelas kamu.

Jack O’Neill Paterson (Global Hobo)
Desember 2016

Yasa is a great guru and always made class interesting and fun. Thank you so much Yasa for an amazing month. I have gained many skills that I hope to use in the real world. Love from Jack

Courtney Green (Global Hobo)
Desember 2016

Terima kasih! Saya suka belajar bahasa Indonesia dengan Cinta Bahasa. Selamat Naatal dan Selamat tahun Baru!

Jessie Little (Global Hobo)
Desember 2016

Terima kasih Guru Yasa! Saya sangat suka belajar bahasa Indonesia. Thank you for teaching us Indonesian, Yasa! You aare a great teacher and I have learnt a lot.

Renee (Global Hobo)
Desember 2016

Gusde and Sidhi are awesome teachers. Mreka guru yang sangat bagus. Saya belajar banyak dan bias bicara sedikit bahasa Indonesia sekarang. Terima kasih Gusde dan Sidhi. Tetap berhubungan dan saya akan bertemu kamu kalau saya kembali ddi Bali.

Madeline (Global Hobo)
Desember 2016

Gusde was the best teacher ever. He was so funny and entertaining as well as informative. He always held my attention and I feel like I’ve learned so much. The same applies to Sidhi! I will miss the these lessons a lot. Terima kasih.

Nele (Global Hobo)
Desember 2016

Great teachers and always a lot of fun to come to all the lessons. Thank you for keeping up with our sshaky attempts to learn and speak bahasa Indonesia. Good luck for the future and Merry Christmas.

Tori Karabin (Global Hobo)
Desember 2016

Thank you Gusde and Sidhi foe educating me and being the est language teacher in the whole wide world! Thank you for putting up with our antics and entertaining us at the same time as educating us. Best language school and teachers!

Sam Flanagan (Global Hobo)
Desember 2016

Gusde is a brilliant guru bahasa Indonesia. His enganging classes and infectious smile create a learning environment that is very rare. Within four short weeks he has taught us an inredible amount, and never once lost his patience if we struggled with a word/concept. Thank you so much for everything Gusde, we will keep in touch on facebook. From your favourite student Sam.

Tristan (Global Hobo)
Desember 2016

Sangat Bagus! Guru sangat bagus! Saya cinta belajar bahasa Indonesia. Terima kasih.

Maya Skidmore (Global Hobo)
Desember 2016

Gusde is the best guru I have eever seen and had. He was funny and engaging and has the best smile I’ve ever seen. Thanks so much Gusde and Cinta Bahasa for making time in Bali so good. Also, so sorry for not making it to class enough, the cat scares me.

Chris Folland
Desember 2016

I thoroughly enjoyed my Cinta Bahasa experience. Dewi started us off on the right track, very patiently, I might add. Then Anna took over with enthusiasm and interesting verbal exercises. As I finished 20 hours of tuition, I was surprised to see that most of the lesson was in Bahasa Indonesia. Thank you Anna and Dewi!

Laura Mulvey
Desember 2016

Saya senang datang ke Cinta Bahasa karena guru-guru di sini luar biasa! Saya bisa latihan Bahasa Indonesia setiap hari dan belajar banyak tentang Bali juga. Saya akn rindu para guru Cinta Bahasa ketika pulang ke Amerika, tapi pasti akan kembali ke Bali suatu hari.

Peggy Van Oudenhove
Desember 2016

I had a great time at Cinta Bahasa! We had so much fun everyday and I am impressed at how fast we learned, thanks to Vetta. Vetta keren dan ramah! I hope to be back in Ubud soon to take the intermediate class. Terima kasih banyak, Vetta!

Alex Tsuk
Desember 2016

Vetta was a fantastic teacher. It was a pleasure to come here everyday. I feel I know enough to start talking to the locals which changes everything. Great school, great people, I will recommend you.

Desember 2016

What an amazing experience. It could not have been better. Saya cinta “Cinta Bahasa” dan saya cinta bahasa Indonesia. Terima kasih Vetta, guru saya! Sampai jumpa lagi!

Michael Bratten
November 2016

I have really enjoyed my time at Cinta Bahasa. Both my teachers, Trias and Yasa have been great! They are both very skilled teachers! I have found the whole experience very rewarding. I am surprised at how easily and quickly I have been able to learn. I am looking forward to practicing and hopefully coming back to learn more. Thank you!

Rachel Allan Crash Course
November 2016

Clear Fun Great listening and response to questions. Thank you.

Thierry Sanders Crash Course
November 2016

“Crash Course” is the right name. We learnt a lot in 3 hours. Very, very useful.

Anna Jonkhoff Crash Course
November 2016

I really liked the course, terima kasih. I was happy to change to a quiet room.

Crash Course, November 2016

Very informative.. Terima kasih Well structured I will recommend you.

Bronny Dun Shea Crash Course
November 2016

An enjoyable course, terima kasih banyak

Haiko Jonkhoff Crash Course
November 2016

Terima kasih

Herma Crash Course
November 2016

It was fun!

Maria Riedel & Steffen Boller Crash Course
November 2016

A lot of information in a short time  Cultural information  Easy to learn  Good group size  Maybe a bigger focus on get to know people in your environment.

Amy Soetopo
November 2016

Selalu, saya suka sekali belajar dengan Wulan! Dia bantu saya banyak. Tahun depan, saya akan kembali ke Cinta Bahasa lagi, tentu saja. Terima kasih banyak untuk semua, Wulan, dan Cinta Bahasa!

November 2016

Again I had a great time at your school. First in group with Vetta and how private course with Okta. I already enjoyed all the lessons and Okta and I chat a lot in Bahasa Indonesia.i will study and practice everything I have learned until now and hope to see you next year. Thanks for teaching me

Anouk van leuween
November 2016

Trias makes the lessons very fun and I really like to come to Cinta Bahasa. I have learned how I can speak with the teachers of the Sari Hati school for my research here. Terima kasih Trias senang bertemu kamu!

Elsemiek Bluemink
November 2016

Thank you so much Trias for the fun and educational lessons. We learned lots of stuff about Bahasa Indonesia but also about the Indonesia and Balinese culture. Terima kasih dan sampai jumpa!

Fokko Ukena
November 2016

I enjoyed my private lessons with Okta. Beside learning the language I could ask a lot about the life in Indonesia and I could teach her what the ducks are doing on the rice paddies. Terima kasih dan sampai jumpa.

Michael Dawkins
November 2016

Guru sangat bagus. Saya akan kembali ke Cinta Bahasa untuk belajar dengan guru Trias.

Elizabeth Dawkins
November 2016

Saya suka Bahasa Indonesia. Guru Trias sangat bagus mengajar. Saya ingin kembali di Cinta Bahasa lagi.

Sherridan Smythe
October 2016

Terima kash banyak! Attending this course was great and Vetta is a wonderful teacher. The learning environment provided for lots of fun and laughter – which helped in remembering all that we learned… which was a lot! Big thanks

Anne Marie
October 2016

Many thanks for your lessons and patience and your relations on your (not so) easy language and culture. Your classes where opening doors and windows in an already welcoming world called Bali, Indonesia.

October 2016

Frequentare questo corso e stato molto piacevole. Tanti tanti complimenti a Vetta e a Cinta Bahasa. Grazie!!

David Heliliwen
October 2016

Saya murid di kelas Bahasa Indonesia satu bulan dengan guru ibu Wulan. Menurut saya Cinta Bahasa bagus harga tidak mahal dan kami sangat suka kursus. Saya mau latihan dan kursus lagi dengan Cinta Bahasa.

Magnus Lika
October 2016

Saya sangat suka belajar Bahasa Indonesia. Saya sulit belajar kata-kata baru. Guru kami sangat bagus. Dan saya punya teman baru di kelas.

Amy Soetopo
October 2016

Saya sangat suka kelas ini! Saya belajar banyak dari Wulan dan menghargai semua. Saya menanti-nanti akan belajar lagi dengan Cinta Bahasa dan Wulan. Terima kasih untuk bantu saya bicara Bahasa Indonesia.

Helen Lilya
October 2016

Saya suka Cinta Bahasa. Saya sangat suka Wulan, guru saya mau saya bicara pakai Bahasa Indonesia. Saya belajar bayak bulan lalu. Terima kasih banyak!

JD Thompson
October 2016

I loved my time here! Sidhi made learning fun! We were able to make significant progress in our language abilities! I am much more confident about my abilities to live in and travel around Indonesia! I hope to use Cinta Bahasa in the future to keep learning.

Mikayia Mueller
October 2016

Sidhi was a great teacher! He was very friendly and very helpful! Li will recommend this program to all my friends! This week I learned many practical words and phrases that will help my communicate with my Indonesian friends and new people that I meet. Terima kasih Cinta Bahasa untuk mengajar kita minggu ini!!

Peter Randal
October 2016

Minggu ini Sidhi melakukan pekerjaan besar mengajar kita. It helped in the order that he taught us.

Jordan Gustav
October 2016

I have lived in Indonesia for 3 years but never attempted to learn the language. Now that I spent this week at Cinta Bahasa, I feel that the whole archipelago has been opened up to me. it’s a very easy language to learn. It’s not like Spanish at all. and our teacher Sidhi, was terrific: friendly and good at his job. Thanks, Cinta Bahasa.

Simon Cadman
October 2016

I have had a great time learning with mbak Trias. she very easily integrates everyday conversation with the lesson + nice versa. I could already speak some Bahasa, but I fill like I now have a much more solid base to continue my learning. Very highly recommended!

Tegan Merrih
October 2016

Guru saya pak Tony paling bagus dia selalu bahagia. Pak Tony mengajar saya kata-kata banyak. Terima kasih pak Tony dan sekolah Cinta Bahasa, saya akan kembali.

Erin Mckay
October 2016

Very fun/educational. Amazing teacher, very friendly and nice. Easy to understand texts made learning easy and effective. Flashcards were super helpful.

Simone Staub
October 2016

Logischer aufbau des kurses. zeit fur individuelle fragen und tempo. viele hilfreiche no ticen cles lihvers. Sehr angenehme atmosphare.

September 2016

Lots of fun learning with the class, we laughed so much together. Terima kasih Wulan!

Chiara Guerra
September 2016

Learning here was fun and gave me some good bases to start interactive with Indonesian people. I look forward to joining the next level soon.

Honami Matsumoto
September 2016

Terima kasih banyak atas kebaikan anda. Saya senang sekali. Kadang–kadang saya bisa mengerti Bahasa Indonesia. Mau datang ke sini lagi. Terima kasih. Dengan senang hati.

Anthony Butterworth
September 2016

I have enjoyed my second time at Cinta Bahasa so much. I have enjoyed the teaching of pak Tony, mba Okta and pak Dewa – they have been so patient and helpful. I hope to return for a third visit next year because this visit has been too short ! Thank again, Cinta Bahasa.

Bogar Tormodsgard
September 2016

I like the structure of the 20 hours. The teacher we are going through important aspect of the Indonesian language, and repetition and exercises we are effective for the students ability to learn. Four hours everyday is good. More could have been too much. Very happy with flexibility on term of when and where classes could take place.

September 2016

Great class, great teacher. Ibu Vetta was very nice and explained everything very well. Everything went fast 1-2 weeks which was great but later two more joined the group which really slowed the group down, so I would definitely prefer a smaller group in future or private classes. Cinta Bahasa book is good and I like the layout, tasks and topics. Email communication at beginning was great too!! very friendly. Thanks for everything!

Vicei Rosser
September 2016

The course was difficult for me, I have learn’t languages before, it was a different format. Guru Vetta was very good as a teacher, she was patience and helpful. With practice I will hopefully be able to speak more Bahasa Indonesia. Having the course in Indonesian was so difficult not knowing the English translation, but maybe it was just me.!!

Aiden Hopfner
September 2016

Sidhi was great! I was very pleased with his knowledge, skills and patience.

Julie Gavage
September 2016

Very good class. thank you Sidhi

Olivia Alden
September 2016

Saya pikir tidak bisa tulis pakai Bahasa Indonesia, tapi mau coba. saya sangat senang dengan kelas ini. Sekarang saya tahu sedikit Bahasa Indonesia dan bisa praktek dengan orang Indonesia. Saya belajar banyak bahasa lain dan kelas ini sangat bagus. Sekarang saya sudah tahu banyak kata dan bisa bicara, terima kasih!!

Sophie Woo
September 2016

The best way to learn Indonesian is the I month intensive course at Cinta Bahasa. I will for sure use it or daily basic. Ibu Vetta is a good teacher and have learned a lot.

September 2016

I really enjoyed all the time I spent with Vetta and my class mates. I learned so much but I still need to learn more so I will continue with my lessons at Cinta Bahasa.

Tim Kelly
September 2016

Terima kasih Bli Gusde dan sekolah Cinta Bahasa. Sebelum saya mulai belajar Bahasa Indonesia dengan Cinta Bahasa saya selalu sendiri. Sekarang saya tahu sedikit Bahasa Indonesia saya bertemu lebih banyak orang dari Indonesia. Itu berkerja!! terima kasih lagi.

Jodi Harris
September 2016

Lessons engaging and relevant to my studying. Both teachers tried to match their teaching to my needs and level. Teaching style was at my level and extended my knowledge and vocab. Also teachers shared many resources with me to use back at my school in Australia sehingga kursus sangat bagus. Terima kasih.

Mona Ogana
September 2016

Thank you for teaching Bahasa Indonesia. I could share very nice time with other student. I can not speak and listen English well, but I could get the skill of Bahasa Indonesia sedikit!! Sidhi is great teacher!! Thank you so much. Terima kasih banyak!!

Lorna Watson
September 2016

Sidhi has a great teacher very easy to understand, very patient and very pleasant. We covered a lot of the basics in a very short time and it has really helpful that it has interactive and applied! Thank you!

Kristen Fipro
September 2016

Sidhi is an excellent language teacher. He knows how to structure the teaching very well. He teaches with a combination of professional, easy to learn and fun. I learned a lot and I had a lot of fun. Thank you. Terima kasih!

Nathaliz Pierre
September 2016

Gusde adalah guru bagus! Very smart and bright guy. Harus latihan sekarang! Terima kasih.

September 2016

Gusde was a wonderful teacher. He always made us feel comfortable in class, we had a lot of fun. Gusde gave very good explanations and used relevant examples. Gusde adalah guru sangat bagus! Dia pintar sekali dan sangat lucu! Terima kasih banyak, Gusde. Saya harus latihan jadi saya tidak lupa semua kamu mengajar aku.

Mike Graves
September 2016

Excellent classes given by patient, tutors. Always on time and a pleasure to be taught by.

Natasha Burrows
September 2016

Terima kasih atas Mbak Trias dan Pak Tony untuk mengajar saya. Kelasnya bagus untuk bahasaku dan saya harap kembali ke Cinta Bahasa kapan-kapan.

Evan Silver
September 2016

I’ve enjoyed my time at Cinta Bahasa and advanced my language skill through engaged teaching and conversation. My teachers have been more than teachers; they have been friends and companions who have shown genuine interest. They have been motivating and encouraging, as well as excellent conversation partners. I’m grateful for all their work!

September 2016

Saya belajar di Cinta Bahasa satu minggu, satu pekan dengan Pak Toni dan Ibu Trias. Mereka keduanya sangat pintar dan mampu mengajar Bahasa Indonesia dan saya sangat senang belajar di sini. Pasti akan rindu pada Cinta Bahasa! Sampai bertemu lagi!

Mimma Di Petrillo
August 2016

Thank you very much for your support, you’re patience and you precious help in making my bahasa jauh lebih baik!
Terima kasih, guru Sidhi!

Karen Myers
August 2016

Saya menikmati sekali kelas dengan guru Hana di Sanur. Kelas itu pre-intermediate sedikit sulit tapi dia sabar dan jelaskan supaya saya bisa mengerti! Terima kasih banyak untuk kelas ini selama satu minggu. Semoga bisa bertemu lagi.

Hana Cervenka
August 2016

Terima kasih atas seminggu menarik dan menantang! Menarik sekali, tidak hanya belajar bahasa, tetapi juga tentang budaya Bali. Kelas yang paling berguna (dan santai) dan menarik itu kelas di pantai. Bagus sekali bisa wawancara dengan orang biasa.

Tessa Wowor
August 2016

Dear everyone at Cinta Bahasa, Thank you for a great educational time. You all made me feel at home. I learned a lot in a short amount of time. I laughed a lot! And you brought me closer to fulfill my dream in Indonesia. I’m not done learning and I will be back whenever I’ll be in Ubud. Much love, and grateful hugs. Thank you, terima kasih, dankje, choukvan, danke.

Penny Wells
August 2016

Terima kasih untuk Hana, Dewi, dan Okta untuk kelas saya. Saya menikmati waktu di Cinta Bahasa. Sekarang saya harus bicara bahasa Indonesia setiap hari dan mimpi bahasa Indonesia kalau saya lupa kata-kata yang kalian berikan kepada saya.

Jon Brown
August 2016

Crash course was excellent and just what I needed to get started. Sidhi was a great teacher and made the class fun.

Folkert Nommensen
August 2016

Great course! Good to learn first words and start talking to locals. Thanks to our great teacher.

Elena Rego
August 2016

Sidhi was quite an excellent teacher. He lead the class at good pace, allowing for questions and practice in a manner that made the class and learning enjoyable and effective.

Alex Talbot
August 2016

I have had a great 5 days learning bahasa Indonesia with Trias & Wulan. The format is conversational and easy to follow, which the environment is welcoming & supportive! I need to continue to practice, but Trias & Wulan have been superb in pointing me in the right direction. Terima kasih banyak! Alex Talbot (Singapore)

Frankie Mason
August 2016

Thank you Tony for your patience and unfailing good humor. My grasp of Indonesian grammar has certainly improved enormously under your guidance. Although I till feel that my spoken language needs a lot of work, I hope we can continue to work together when I ho home. Terima kasih Tony + Cinta Bahasa.

Shelli van Santen
August 2016

Saya sangat suka Cinta Bahasa! Pak Toni dan Mbak Okta are the best! I really enjoyed their different styles of teaching. I will be back to learn more. Thank you! Terima kasih!

Maja Harzenetter
July 2016

Saya sangat suka sekolah ini dan gurunya. Saya belajar bahasa Indonesia untuk satu minggu dengan Tony dan Okta. Saya senang, saya sudah bicara B.I. Sedikit sesudahnya. Guru Tony dan Okta bagus, ramah, sabar, dan lucu. Saya harap kembali ke Ubud tahun depan.
Terima kasih.

Suprapto Schmid
July 2016

Saya murid di sekolah untuk empat minggu. Saya suka belajar dengan Toni dan Okta. Saya senang bertemu dengan Toni dan Okta. Kalau saya kembali ke Bali, saya akan belajar di Cinta Bahasa. Sampai bertemu lagi. Terima kasih.

Nick Heeren
July 2016

A big thank you (terima kasih) to Sidhi and Daniel for those 4 days of learning. It was a very useful input on the subjects (of society and local development) I work on in Indonesia. Using newspaper articles and kertas combined with grammatical explanations much a great pedagogical approach. Unfortunately I didn’t have enough time to work on myself (maaf, ya!). Cinta Bahasa is a tempat bagus!

Miriela Marcano
July 2016

When Cinta Bahasa says “crash course” they are not kidding! This was an amazing, enriching overwhelming class, not only I learned language, idioms, numbers but also about cultural customs in a fun way! Thank you so much. I absolutely loved it! Muchas gracias & terima kasih. Miriela.

P.S. Terima kasih Sidhi, you made the class very much fun!

Kristina Cheraneva
July 2016

It was great! I love the simplicity of the course and language. Sidhi is very nice and attentive. It is interesting to get to know the culture, tradition, and people through learning bahasa.
Terima kasih! Saya Cinta Bali.

Rachel Elan
July 2016

This class was excellent and fun! Sidhi is a great teacher. This 3 hours has given me the desire to continue to learn the language. Thank you so much. Terima kasih.

Anika Ventura
July 2016

Good pace. Not info overload. Would recommend this class. Instructor is accommodating but informative and makes things easier for students to understand. Terima kasih, Sidhi!

Stefan Potkonjak
July 2016

Terima kasih bolehnin Stefan dan Nikola bikin jenggot dan kumis di Sidhi.

Nikola Potkonjak
July 2016

Terima kasih Sidhi untuk belajar bahasa Indonesia dengan kita dan bermain dengan kita. Dan terima kasih Sidhi.

July 2016

I really enjoyed learning with Cinta Bahasa. It was challenging we move through material quite quickly, but also classes have fun and engaging. Hana is a great teacher and explain everything thoroughly and clearly. I liked that we began putting sentences together straightening so we could use everything we learned.

July 2016

Thank you Hana for a fun and engaging 4 weeks. I learnt a lot and enjoyed going to the markets and to Ubud. Hana was friendly, kind and helpful. I would like to come back to Bali and continue learning with Cinta Bahasa.

Emma Brown
July 2016

Hana is an amazing teacher. She is kind & patient & caring. If you don’t know the answer to a question she waits to help you & guides you to the correct answer. Her English is amazing & her teaching style accommodates for every style of learner. We love Hana!

Jessica Gorman
July 2016

I loved learning bahasa Indonesia. Hana was a really informative & fun teacher! Thank you. Terima kasih!

Josephine Harvey
July 2016

Saya suka Cinta Bahasa! Hana was an awesome teacher and I learnt so much, was an awesome teacher and I learnt so much, she had a really good teaching style and used interesting ways to teach us. Terima kasih!

Hannah Hughes
July 2016

Hana is so cute and friendly & very patient. She went through the content quickly & was always helpful & in a good mood.

July 2016

Thanks Hana, and Cinta Bahasa for providing such a fun and engaging class for us to learn in. learning bahasa was not easy, but it was super enjoyable. I can now hold basic conversation with locals, which is awesome.

July 2016

After only 3 weeks of classes, i’ve learnt more bahasa Indonesia then I have any other non English language.

July 2016

Loved it and loved Della! Wish I could of stayed longer and learnt more! Terima kasih!

Madeleine Paradise
July 2016

Della was an amazing teacher! So patient and friendly. Kelas bagus, saya cinta Della, dan bahasa Indonesia. Terima kasih Della, dan Cinta Bahasa! See you in Australia!

Sam Polzin
July 2016

It was such a pleasure having Della as a bahasa teacher! She is so patient and understanding through the learning process. She is also a beautiful person and that shines through her teaching. I would recommend Della and this class to anybody!

Laura Hamlyn
July 2016

I really enjoyed learning bahasa Indonesi. Della was a great teacher. Her explanations and patience made it fun and easy to learn the language.

Natalie Rutkowska
July 2016

Bagus! Sangat Bagus! Della is a fantastic teacher and a beautiful person, she made the 2 hour classes fun, exciting and enjoyable!

Olivia Congdan
July 2016

I feel like I’ve learnt so much on the last four weeks—i only wish I had more time to use my skills! Della was an amazing teacher—always encouraging and patient with us! Exercise and games were really helpful—particularly great to go to the market.
Terima kasih Cinta Bahasa & Della!

Lucy Grenfel
July 2016

Terima kasih Della!
Saya sangat suka belajar dengan kamu! Thanks for still helping me learn even when I missed a lot of class! I will miss you. Sampai jumpa.

Sune Wiehahn
July 2016

Saya belajar lebih banyak di Cinta Bahasa dalam satu hari daripada belajar satu bulan penuh di Bali tahun lalu.

(I learnt more at Cinta Bahasa in one day than I learnt my entire month in Bali last year).
Saya cinta Cinta Bahasa! Dan saya cinta guru Della!

Emily Moone
July 2016

Cinta Bahasa is amazing! The teachers is very good and I learned a lot. I have come to Cinta Bahasa 3 times and it is always incredible. I’ve had so much fun learning here. Wouldn’t change a thing! Saya suka sekali Cinta Bahasa.

Inke Moone
July 2016

It was good and fun, we learnt lots of things and did games.

Chrissie Lam
July 2016

Cepat! Bagus! Keren sekali! Saya bisa tahu bahasa Indonesia! Terima kasih!

Noa Yvel (Crash Course)
July 2016

Terima kasih

Christer Yvell
July 2016

A very pleasant introduction to bahasa Indonesia! Encouraging to learn more!

Anna Skillington
July 2016

Thank you Sidhi for the interactive learning experience. A good explanation of phrases and open to questions.

Gayatri Mehta
July 2016

Really enjoyed the 3 hour lesson. It provide a solid foundation of bahasa Indonesia (greeting, numbers, food, etc.) form which we can continue to build upon. I would recommend this workshop as a first step towards learning the language and a bit of the Indonesian culture as well.

Raluca Voinea
July 2016

Very nice course! Helpful to learn about the basics of the language, liked to understand more about the local culture. Terima kasih sampai jumpa lagi!

Helen Sobahlia
July 2016

It has been great, although tiring, to have private class with Cinta Bahasa. I have really appreciated their flexibility in sending teachers to me in Sanur, instead of me having to stay in Ubud. The teachers are very good at adapting the course material to individual needs.

Angel Ramsay
July 2016

Saya sangat suka Cinta Bahasa. Wulan was a really great teacher. She made learning bahasa Indonesia fun and a little easy at times. Sampai Jumpa. Kami cinta Wulan!

Alysha Cozens
July 2016

Terima kasih Wulan dan Cinta Bahasa. Learning Indonesian was hard, and at times a bit fast, but Wulan guru bagus! Saya suka bahasa Indonesia.

Camille Soulos
July 2016

Kelas bagus, saya senang belajar bahasa.

Cameron Brown
July 2016

Bagus! I really liked the course, it was really fun and I learnt a lot about how bad I was at learning languages. Wulan is the best teacher ever. I should have been student of the week and not Connor. This was the only downside to the course. Ayo!

Connor Bohannan
July 2016

I thought Wulan was great. I learned a lot of bahasa. She taught us very well.

Casey D’Souza
July 2016

Saya suka Cinta Bahasa. Wulan guru bagus. Saya senangd datang ke Cinta Bahasa dan belajar bahasa Indonesia. Terima kasih.

Amy Fairall
July 2016

Saya cinta belajar bahasa Indonesia dan guru Wulan. It was good that the classes were fun and related but focussed on conversational language. I think we should learn numbers and how to order food in an earlier class as this is the most useful information. Wulan has been a fun and supportive teacher.

Hugh Corbett
July 2016

In all my years I have never been to such an amazing and successful school. I have been taught by two wonderful teachers. I have learnt more Indonesian here in Bali than I would anywhere else in the world!

Luise Madruga (Portugal – Azores)
July 2016

Terima kasih banyak Cinta Bahasa! Especially Okta! Thanks to her, saya bisa bicara sedikit bahasa Indonesia—saya senang! Atau at least bahasa Indo-Inggris. Terima kasih Cinta Bahasa!

Pierluigi Bragaglia
July 2016

Terima kasih banyak utuk mengajari saya! Saya suka sekali belajar di sini, tetapi sekarang saya mengerti bahwa bahasa Indonesia bukan bahasa yang mudah! Selamat tinggal dan sampai jumpa.

Sarah Koopman
July 2016

My Cinta Bahasa experience was amazing. Not only did I learn a lot, but we were taught in a fun and playfull way. I have been taught by two of their teachers, Okta dan Trias, and both were super friendly and I would like to thank them again for all that I have learned. Terima kasih banyak dan sampai jumpa! Kisses Sarah.

Hannah Koopman
July 2016

This language course has been absolutely fantastic! My sister and I followed 20 hours of classes and I really believe that our bahasa Indonesia has improved. We had a lot of fun as well and I would like to thank my teacher—Okta and Trias—again for the classes. Terima kasih banyak! Kelas bahasa Indonesia asyik dan bantu banyak. Saya dan adik saya belajar banyak. Kami akan kembali!

Scott Ferrard
July 2016

The classes with Yasa were great. Very good to be able to have someone come to us & work around our schedule. Yasa is a great teacher—he was very patient & taught me to my style. The course were challenging but I learnt a lot. The material were good & the digital material were help us review. I would (& already have) recommend C.B. & Yasa to others.

Felicity Kelly
July 2016

The bahasa Indonesian couples course has been excellent. We able to learn at a fast pace and i’m much more confident now. It was so helpful to have the classes at our accommodation, reducing travelling time and easy for us because we have a little boy. We intend to keep going with our classes, we enjoyed them so much. Yasa has been a great teacher, not only has our bahasa improved, our knowledge of Indonesia has grown as well.

Andrea Featherstone
July 2016

Sidhi was a great teacher, very helpful and friendly and patient with the group. This was a very useful course belajar bahasa Indonesia. Teirma kasih Sidhi! Bagus sekali.

Scott Tagge
July 2016

Fast and easy, good job.

Michelle Tagge
July 2016

Sidhi was a great teacher. He was patient with us learning, and kept everyone involved in the class with practice exercises. There is a good amount I can take away from this class and use during my stay in Bali.

Rebecca Ferry
July 2016

Friendly helpful instruction everybody learns differently – a little frustrating for me.

Karen Myers
July 2016

Saya sangat nikmati kelas ini dengan guru Vetta. Vetta guru baik, (and patient.) saya mau kembali ke Cinta Bahasa supaya terus belajar bahasa Indonesia untuk kelas pre-intermediate.

Thanatchaporn Peemapol
July 2016

I really enjoyed learning Indonesia at Cinta Bahasa. The atmosphere is really nice I feel confident when it comes to speaking Indonesiain class. I like the way that the teacher draw a picture or makes some gesture to help students to the meaning of the new words. I really have a great time here.

Julie Silvester
July 2016

What a great class – we learnt so much in a friendly environment with a patient and skillful teacher. The study book is well laid out and the structure of how bahasa Indonesia is taught works well and it runs at a good yet steady pace.

Raquel Orobio
June 2016

I would like to say “thank you” I feel grateful for the wonderful experience i’ve had in Cinta Bahasa school, i’ve never thought learning bahasa Indonesia was going to be so amazing experience! Thanks you to Ochie, Dimaz and of course my dear teacher Okta. All the people i’ve found in Cinta Bahasa showed me their professional work and their kindness. “Saya akan datang ke Bali untuk belajar bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Bali di sekolah Cinta Bahasa”

Alison Lapidge
June 2016

Terima kasih Pak Toni and Mbak Trias! I have really enjoyed learning with you both this week. My bahasa gaul has definitely improved, and I feel much better prepared for when my in-laws come to stay this year! I’m also looking forward to passing on what i’ve learnt to Zaza.

Eileen Mills
June 2016

Many thanks to my teachers Tony and Trias at Cinta Bahasa. I’m surprised at how much I have learnt in 3 weeks – 20 hours. All thanks to my great teachers!

Scot Donald
June 2016

My lessons involved instruction by 3 different guru; Hana, Pak Dewa, and Della. It was a good mix as each have their own teaching style, and I learnt different thing form each. Thanks to all for helping me with bahasa Indonesia!

Sarah West
June 2016

Guru-guru sangat ramah dan lucu, mereka sangat berguna dan saya belajar banyak. Saya suka sekali kelas ini. Terima kasih banyak!

Grant Bell
June 2016

Found Della to be a great teacher. I found the course challenging but enjoyable thanks to Della’s help and perseverance. This being my first language after English is what made it a challenge but Della’s tutoring & patience made it enjoyable. So a big thank to Della & Cinta Bahasa.
Cheers Grant.

LeeAnne Bell
June 2016

Della is the best teacher very understanding and patience. Thank you for being our guide into bahasa Indonesia.

Steve Smith
June 2016

Thank once again for such professional guidance through the challenges of bahasa Indonesia. I promise to use the passive voice more frequently. Terima kasih guru Trias! Sampai jumpa kembali.

June 2016

I learnt bahasa Indonesia with guru Okta for four amazing hours – I can’t believe how much ground we covered and how much more confident I feel in speaking bahasa Indonesia in Bali.
Thank you so much!

Hannah Beaver
June 2016

Very helpful session! Answered all questions, explained clearly and made for a very nice learning space where everyone’s questions are welcomed. Will recommend to friends! Thank you so much.

Elaine Belore
June 2016

I feel much more confidenct in my ability to converse in Indonesian and I look forward to meeting new people.
Thank you Cinta Bahasa!

Silvia Martin Palacio
June 2016

Sidhi has been a brilliant instructor and i’ve enjoyed this class a lot! I wil go back for a longer course.

Mike Savage
June 2016

Thank you for course. It was very enjoyable but a lot to learn. Terima kasih

Liz Sims
June 2016

Just wonderful. Sidhi was such a good tutor. It was fun & informative.

Niamh Boyd – Squires Long
June 2016

Thank you so much Cinta Bahasa I learnt so much. I had Trias as my teacher and she was amazing. I learnt so much and had a great time as well. I would like to thank Cinta Bahasa especially Trias for the wonderful classes and the improvement in my Indonesian. Thank you so much.

Ciara Boyd – Squires Long
June 2016

Terima kasih banyak Cinta Bahasa dan Trias! I have learnt so much and all of the classes have been so fun thanks to our amazing teacher Trias. I have been able to speak Indonesian while on holiday and Cinta Bahasa will have improved my Indonesian at school also to, year 12. Thanks again and I will definitely come back.

Christina Hickie
May 2016

Lots of fun. Great teacher. Very patient.

Tanja Harjuniemi
May 2016

Saya senang sekali belajar dengan guru Della. Kita fokus kosakata dan isu yang penting untuk saya. Itu bagus terima kasih! Sta akan lanjut nanti.

Le Courtois Stanislas
May 2016

It was just “luar biasa” guru Vetta is very nice and we learned a lot. I’m really happy and I love to speak bahasa Indonesia. So thanks a lot. Of the school. Merci. Sampai nanti.

Oren Jacob
May 2016

Sangat bagus! Vetta.

May 2016

Very good training. Very usefull and intense. Waiting for next step.

May 2016

Saya sangat suka belajar dengan Cinta Bahasa. Guru saya Della bagus sekali. Small group. Focus on speaking. This is exactly what I was looking for. Very pleased indeed! And will continue level 2.

Cristian Mayhem
May 2016

Very good class. Intensive, hard but I learned a lot in a short time. The teacher Della speaks slow and it’s easy to understand her. Thank you very much for everything. I will be back.

Ainsley Reed
May 2016

Saya sangat suka belajar bahasa Indonesia dengan Cinta Bahasa! Della was an amazing teacher who made our classes so much fun. Everyday we would practice read, writing, and speaking bahasa Indonesia within one month, I have learnt so much and can’t wait to continue. I highly recommend Cinta Bahasa + Della.

Loulou Goldfarb
May 2016

Okta was such an amazing teacher. I’m going to miss her a lot. Okta should never be fired. It would be a big loss to the program. We love Okta. Okta is awesome.

Issa Valdes
May 2016

Rose are red velvets are blue, I wish you could be my teach until I am 62. Okta is the best teacher in the world. She understand me more than any teacher ever. Okta is an angel with no wings. She is better than anyone. Love you.

Miro Valdes
May 2016

This message is from Miro the Great. I had an awesome time here in Cinta Bahasa.

May 2016

I really recommend Cinta Bahasa to learn bahasa Indonesia. It was interesting, fun, and after a month you really talk with Indonesian people. Amazing experience! Vetta is the best teacher and a good singer also!

Louise Wallace
May 2016

The four-week beginners class was very intense – so many new words, but most of all, it was fun! Vetta was excellent, very good at explaining, so patient. The text book/ lessons are excellent a great resource for continuing practice. Thanks so much. Louise, Canberra Australia

Jimmy W. Yuan
May 2016

Sidhi was a fantastic teacher, the best! Especially his ability to write upside down. Wonderful!

May 2016

Terima kasih Sidhi, bagus sampai jumpa.
Ibu Made

Sue Walke
May 2016

Thank you Sidhi for teaching us so well. You are a great teacher so clear and patient. Many thanks.
Terima kasih

Evan Johnson
May 2016

Saya sangat suka Cinta Bahasa! Saya ingin bisa ambil kelas lagi. Makasih banyak! (Vetta guru paling keren)

Evan Johnson
May 2016

Saya sangat suka Cinta Bahasa! Saya ingin bisa ambil kelas lagi. Makasih banyak! (Vetta guru paling keren)

Durand Jean – Yues
May 2016

I have been very pleased to learn with Vetta she is a very good guru and the program of Cinta Bahasa is very well done.

Thank you – Pak Jean

Susanne McMurtrie
May 2016

I have had a great time learning at sekolah Cinta Bahasa. Toni and Hanna are very good teachers, they have taught me a lot. The lessons are professional and friendly. I have really enjoyed my time here and will return again.

Lauren Constantino
May 2016

Great to work with Pak Tony! He really helped me to connect the bahasa Indonesia that I learned “on the street” to grammar concepts that will help me continue to improve my speaking, reading, and writing. I feel much more confident to try speaking about more complex concepts and to ask question using bahasa Indonesia. His teaching style is very logical and he always knows where to focus to help you understand more and more.

Terima kasih banyak!

Steve Mobbs
May 2016

It was amazing Terima kasih! I had a great morning learning bahasa Indonesian basichs with Vetta. She’s very sweet and a great teacher. Can’t wait to keep learning and put into practice.

Sampai jumpa!

Claire We had a fantastic time. The course was higly interactive and useful in real life.

Julie Pottinger
May 2016

I enjoyed the course, thank you. It went at a good pace and I learnt some good basics expressive. Personally I would like to understand a bit more about the grammar I want to continue learning.

Ali Stevens
May 2016

Great course! Really good level for beginners challenging but very achievable.

Shona Horne
May 2016

I have very much enjoyed my course learning with Dewa and Hana. I have made good progress in a short amount of time and am using my new knowledge everyday.

Lani Strijbosch
May 2016

Guru sangat bagus. Kami belajar banyak. Kami bicara dengan orang-orang Indonesia sekarang. Harap bertemu kamu segera!

Oscar Strijbosch
May 2016

Guru bahasa Indonesia bagus-bagus, dia membuat belajar menarik dan mudah. Terima kasih

May 2016

Guru Dewa bagus! Kami belajar banyak. Saya berharap bertemu kamu segera.

David Allan -Petale
May 2016

Great class, very thorough on the basics things we will actually use day-to-day. Vetta’s teaching was well paced, clear and fun. I’ll try to speak bahasa now!

Carmen Allan
May 2016

A great class. It really covered the basics and I feel I can communicate easier now. I just need to practice! Thank you and perhaps i’ll do another class soon

Stephanie Jones
May 2016

Vetta was lovely, and such a great teacher. I relly enjoyed the class.
Thanks Vetta!

Ben Aldern
May 2016

Fun class, food size! I felt like got a good start on the language and I am looking forward to practising it. Terima kasih!

Dana Kittrello
May 2016

Awesome pace, I’m surprised how much I learned in 3 hours. Thanks for being patient with my questions. I would recommend this to other for sure.

Donila Beltanin
May 2016

Terima kasih banyak Pak Tony! I was nervous about studying bahasa Indonesia again after 20 years and Pak Tony was a great teacher. He helped to fill in the many gaps in my vocabulary and taught me to construct sentences using proper Indonesian grammar. I look forward to returning to learn more!

Aren Bahia
May 2016

Saya cinta Cinta Bahasa! Okta was an amazing teacher, very patient with me. Saya nakal sekali! I would recommend the school to anyone, we are very happy to have come. Saya mau datang kembali, untuk kelas lagi.
Sampai jumpa! Terima kasih banyak!

Jennifer Eriksson
May 2016

Okta is the sweetest, most patient teacher in the world! We have learned tons and laughed to tears. Thank you!
Kami cinta kamu.

Leah Kozak
May 2016

Saya suka! Our beginners class was lots of fun. Okta our guru made the material interesting and kept us enganged the whole time. I will definitely recommend Cinta Bahasa to my friends.

Jim Hulfish
May 2016

Vetta was an excellent teacher who always came, well prepared. She created a comfortable, safe atmosphere for learning. I would definitely take another class from her. Well done!

Mabelle Corceller
May 2016

Very satisfied again!
Terima kasih!

Penelope Adams
May 2016

Kelas bagus dan saya belajar beberapa hal baru! Intsruksinya jelas dan gurunya sangat membantu!
Terima kasih!

May 2016

Really nice 2 hours crash course, which allowed an introduction to the Indonesian language. It was a good mix of useful words, grammar, real life tips and tricks and Okta and Daniel were really helpful and friendly.

Thanks a lot!

Louisa Hubertus
May 2016

You did a great job teaching us. You know how to explain everything without making it too difficult, neither too easy. I enjoyed coming to Cinta Bahasa and I’ve learned a lot.

Terima kasih

Anoule Nyman
May 2016

The language course was really good! I learned a lot and the teacher was really patient and she explained a lot and her explanations were always very dear. Also it was fun, and the book is good to practice with.

April 2016

Thank you very much for the great time, especially to guru Vetta. She is very professional, take care of her students and teaching with big heart. I had very warm feeling and during these 4 weeks I felt at home. Terima kasih Cinta bahasa.

April 2016

Great introducing class. A good mix of actually useful words, phrases and grammar, but also nice background infos. A great start for may journey into the Indonesian language! Thank you Okta and Daniel.

Diana Wyder
April 2016

I studied 60th with Cinta Bahasa, learnt a lot & studied with different teachers such as Tony, Novi, Trias, Hana, & Okta. Although I see the advantage of having different teachers to get used to different ways of speaking, I personally would have preferred to study with one teacher only. The atmoshpere in this school is very nice – I felt really comfortable and at home! The staff helped me to extend my visa and helped me to organize a driver. Thanks very much to everybody.

April 2016

Dewa and Della are friendly, patient, and funny teachers. I enjoyed myself studying and learning from them. They will also share with me interesting information about Bali cultures. The are very good in writing word upside down! I hope I can learn from them again. Terima kasih banyak! Sampai jumpa!

A. Johnson
April 2016

I really enjoyed my lessons at Cinta Bahasa! They were very helpful and informative in learning bahasa Indonesia!

Hanneke Van Raaphorst
April 2016

Saya sangat suka belajar Bahasa Indonesia dengan Trias dan Vetta di Cinta Bahasa. Mereka selalu ramah dan mengajar baik sekali. Saya sudah belajar banyak dan saya mau ambil kelas lagi.

April 2016

Trias is the best guru I had. I have learned a lot at Cinta Bahasa so now, saya bicara bahasa Indonesia!

April 2016

The class was perfect way to begin my bahasa Indonesia! Professional fun teachers, all my questions were answered.

Terima kasih,

April 2016

Very informative, thank you – terima kasih!

Claire Foissy
April 2016

Great 3 hours with Vetta and Sidhi! Very good and patient teachers. The 3 hours session will be very useful for the market, restaurant and have a little talk with locals.
Terima kasih.

Annabel Elliott
April 2016

A fantastic, well-paced introduction for a complete beginner. Thank you very much to Vetta and Sidhi. Highly recommended.

April 2016

Very good class. Thank you.

April 2016

The class was very good and straight. Good exercises and vocabulary!

Kristina Roosvald
April 2016

I personally need english translation behind the bahasa words (on the whiteboard). Terima kasih!

April 2016

A helpful class for learning the basic Indonesian. Vetta is very kind – Terima kasih banyak!

Yummi Takada
April 2016

Had a great time and also nice conversation with Vetta (teacher) and other students!
Great to learn something really useful here in Bali! Thank you!

Nicholas Lance
April 2016

Bahasa Indonesia agak sulit. Tetapi guru-guru di CB membantu saya tentang kata-kata dan bicara lebih bagus sejak hari pertama.
Saya harus tidak lupa semua saja!
Saya akan belajar “level” tiga.

Kasey Petersen
April 2016

Vetta is an excellent teacher and I learned a lot! Very patient and thorough, and I plan to take it again. A+ for teacher.

Terima kasih banyak.

Chen Sally
April 2016

Dear CB, Thanks for everything, I’ve learnt a lot with Dewi. She is a wonderful teacher and for sure I’ll recommend my friends if there is anyone interested in Bahasa Indonesia. Terima kasih.

Kathrin Dunn
April 2016

Vetta guru yang paling bagus. Cinta Bahasa is a great language school. The materials and the staff are very helpful. I really apreciate how flexible you were to accommodate me finishing the last week 6 months later, thank you for everything!

Jane Righton -Stapley
April 2016

Dewi guru paling baik. Terima kasih. Saya belajar lebih banyak selama satu minggu daripada dua bulan di Sydney. Saya harap datang kembali bulan Juli di Cinta Bahasa.

Rod Warnock
April 2016

Great place, great program, really great people. Thank you very much for all of your help & encouragement. Especially Tony, Trias, & Yasa. Terima kasih banyak untuk undangan duduk di meja makan dengan semuanya.

Brianna Bailey
April 2016

I studied at Cinta Bahasa for 4 weeks and 100 hours and it was wonderful, I was consistenly surprised and delighted by the confidence, ability to articulate concepts, and humor each of the teachers brought to each lesson. I cannot recommend this program enough and only wish I were here for another month.
Terima kasih banyak!

Bob Steimvoort
April 2016

I enjoyed this course very much! Especially the way Vetta teached. I hope that I can remember all the words I learned. Maybe next year when I am in Ubud take next level course!
Terima kasih Vetta!

Sara Tchoryk
April 2016

Terima kasih banyak!
I had a wonderful time learning here with my lovely classmates and patient teacher.

J’ai adore mes cours ici. Ils m’ont permis d’apprenche exponentiellement plus rapidement l’Indonesian. Ce fut une experience des plus plaisante. Merci beaucoup!

Nika Nikanava
April 2016

Cinta Bahasa gave me a good structure and all basics for learning the language. I hope to continue studying with Cinta Bahasa this year. My teacher Vetta was super nice and she always repeat if you forget something.
Thank for the opportunity to learn this language.

Carin Carbonnier
March 2016

Terima kasih banyak! Wow, got so much more than I hoped for, I feel set up to go out into the world and try my new language skills. Studying with private teacher was really helpful and i’m so grateful for these past week.
Sampai nanti (I hope!)

Sina Leinweber
March 2016

Terima aksih banyak untuk mengajar saya sedikit bahasa Indonesia—espeicially to Vetta!
Saya punya waktu bagus dua minggu yang lalu and much fun while learning a lot about indonesian culture as well.
Thankyou, terima kasih!

Sohy Sohyun Park
March 2016

Really enjoyed the classes with Daniel. I was reading an Indonesian novel and asking him whatever difficult to understand. We also talked about various issues on Indonesia. Recommend for anybody who wants improve “bahasa” skill. Sangat menikmati kelas-kelas dengan Mas Daniel. Saya membaca salah satu novel Indonesia lalu bertanya kalau saya ketemu yang kurang mengerti. Kami juga berbicara tentang banyak hal-hal tentang Indonesia. Rekomendasi untuk semua yang ingin memperbaiki bahasa Indonesianya.

Eric Mueller
March 2016

We know a lot – we only have to practice it.

March 2016

Really nice “entrance” into the bahasa Indonesia. Maybe a little less the numerous system and more shall phrases to actually get started to practice in the streets.
Terima kasih banyak!

Jean – Francois Noubel
March 2016

Very useful. Makes me want for more.

Estbeban Noubel – Michelin
March 2016

I learned many things in only 3 hours. Very good teacher and very good class.

Chris Brooks
March 2016

Very helpful class. But, I can see that I will need to practice this a lot for it to be useful.
Vetta was a great teacher.

Sam Brooks
March 2016

Really good class, knowledgable teacher, covered a lot of content in a short span of time. I would love to take another or several more classes of bahasa Indoensia to improve and learn.

Wendy Brooks
March 2016

This was a great class. It was extremely informative. We learned more than I expected and our instructor, Vetta was very patient. I usually feel stress when learing language – it isn’t easy for me usually. This was very helpful & stress free. Thank you!
Terima kasih.

March 2016

We spent five days studying at CB, four hours a day with Tony. It was truly an intensive! While i’ve felt overwhelmed at times it has been an icredibly valuable experience. We are already having basic conversation with people we meet. The course is very well structured and Tony is the perfect teacher – patient, clear and engaging.

Laura Ealing
March 2016

Thanks Tony & Cinta Bahasa for taking us from nothing to real conversation in bahasa Indonesia in only 5 days! We have an excellent foundation that we can use to keep learning during the rest of our stay in Indonesia. I’m so glad we did our classes here!

Philipp Kohnlein
March 2016

Our cours was perfect, informative, focused on our needs and always with the right balance between teaching, fun and exchange of cultural knowledge. Thanks to the C.B. Team and special thanks to our awesome guru Okta.

Bob Hart
March 2016

I very much enjoyed my time learning bahasa Indonesia with Yasa at S.C.B. We laughed a lot. Nevertheless Yasa set a good pace with plenty of homework. I am sure than once I revise all the new knowledge. I will revise how much progress I have made in 2 weeks. The process of introducing and explaining new concept is interesting and seemed to work well, and my vocabulary now has many new words, thanks very much, Yasa also Pak Dimaz for all your help before and during the course.

Carly Noel
March 2016

Okta is an excellent teacher. (guru bagus). She moves at a good pace : not too fast but fast enough to cover a lot of content. I fed very gappy with how much I learned.

Tomoka Aono
March 2016

I learned a lot about bahasa Indonesia! It was very helpful for me to start learning the language and Vetta was a wonderful teachers! Terima kasih banyak!

Itzier Peiez
March 2016

I enjoyed a lot bahasa Indonesia crash course. I think it is the best way to start learning a new language. Now, the next step is to put into practice! Terima kasih! Sampai jumpa lagi!

Nancy Lessard
March 2016

Great interactive class. Vetta takes her time to make sure we understand and practice her teachings.

Ander Ordond
March 2016

Really nice course to learn what you need to learn to speak a little of bahasa Indonesia. Terima kasih banyak!

Ida Kristine
March 2016

Crash course in bahasa Indonesia today with Mbak Okta was very informative and effective. I did know some easy words than from before, but Okta was very nice and teached me a lot more so I can use the language more properly. Nice that we over so few people. Guru baik.
Sampai jumpa lagi!

Lux Body
March 2016

I enjoyed understanding the Indonesian cultural explanation as much as the language class. I recommend you give the handout at the beginning of the class. Sampai jumpa lagi

Danielle Desrosiers
March 2016

A very good learning experience, I throughly enjoyed learning with Mbak Okta, she is an excellent teacher, patient and understanding. Not only did I learn bahasa Indonesia, I learned some Indonesian culture and developed and understanding of how to communicate with locals. Sincerely, Danielle Deslosies, Canada

Sabine Engert
March 2016

Saya sudah belajar banyak tata bahasa dengan guru Dewi. Dia bisa jawab semua pertanyaan dan punya ide menarik untuk belajar bahasa Indonesia. Saya menikmati sekali belajar dengan guru Dewi.

Flo Lauber
March 2016

Saya sangat suka belajar bahasa Indonesia dengan Cinta Bahasa dan Pak Dewa. Guru Dewa is very good, patient, and experienced teacher. All topics where explained in an understandable manner and questions were always answered well. I starte talking with locals afeter the first few closses and everyone seemed to understood what I tried to say. Thanks a lot and i’m happpy to continue learning BI! Sampai nanti.

Ryan Danlravy
March 2016

Very good into to the language. I hope to retain even a small amount of the information because of the great ammount of into presented. Good job. Thanks

Melissa Jennings
March 2016

Vetta & Okta are wonderful teachers who answered all of my questions. Terima kasih!
Thank you for the conversational approach to the language course. Very helpful.

Nirmoha Sironic
March 2016

Thank you. A lovely duo Vetta and Okta teach bahasa Indonesia in tandem and their style is very clear. I loved learning from them. I will come back for more.

Ket Taylor
March 2016

This was the best travel experience I could have! I learnt so much, my guru Okta is amazing! I definetly recommend this for anyone to student, tourist or volunteers. Thank you Okta & thank you Cinta Bahasa!

Gerrit Bril
March 2016

Terima kasih. Thanks a lot for the good time in Ubud to learn bahasa Indonesia. It was great to be here and to meet you all.

Hanna Carlgren
February 2016

This has been a very great course. Dewa is an excellent teacher and he has made every class very rewarding and fun. I can already see the use of my Indonesian skills in my everyday life here. I look forward to learning more! Mas Dewa, terima kasih untuk semuanya!

Jack Heart
February 2016

Dua puluh jam, kami belajar banyak Bahasa Indonesia sekarang saya pakai sedikit bahasa Indonesia bicara dengan orang-orang Bali, pesan makanan, beli-beli tinggal di Bali sangat senang!

Kim Mai Cutler
February 2016

It was a great basic course. I personally wish I had more time to practice but I was very stressed out with work. The teacher was very patient and understanding. I hope to continue and learn more.

Mary K Neufild
February 2016

Tony was my language teacher for 6 class pre-intermediate. I was not as prepared as I needed to be. However, I have learned which is also important. I realize I must learn many more words first. And then go back and retake this class and be better prepared. Thank the teacher for patience.

Naoldo Takagi
February 2016

Excellent course and our teacher Pak Toni was very good. We were slow students but he was very patient. Thank you.

Akasha Admani
February 2016

Cinta Bahasa is well orgainsed. Staff is friendly. Pak Tony is a very passionate teacher.
Thanks a lot.

February 2016

Okta was amazing what a great class! We learned a lot in the 3 hours of the introducting course.
Would highly recommend!

Ali Dolan
February 2016

Okta was a wonderful teacher! Very easy to follow, fun, friendly and we really enjoyed. I now have pharases I can use and a basic understanding of the language. Thank you!

Lara Dinello
February 2016

Danke vielmals fur alles was ich hier lernen durfte. Es hat sehr vies spass gemacht & es war sehr aufschlussreich.

Euch alleni viel erfola weiterhin & alles liebe

Camila (Crash course)
February 2016

Saya suka kelas ini. I really enjoyed the class! Thank you!

Viorel (Crash course)
February 2016

Saya suka kelas Bahasa Indonesia.

Andrew Deakin
February 2016

I studied at Cinta Bahasa for four weeks and had a great time. I got further along than I expected and I believe this is due to the fantastic teachers and staff. I will continue learning online with Cinta Bahasa when I return home and would recommend the school to everyone.
Thank you for the good times.

Diana Philips
February 2016

Guru Vetta yang terbaik! Kata-kata baru, struktur, informasi, dan banyak. Menyenangkan! Saya akan ambil kelas lagi. Sampai jumpa!

Adriana Karpinska (Crash course)
February 2016

I liked the crash course – it was very informatif and useful for someone who has never learn Bahasa before.

Rose Firth
February 2016

Excellent! Saya suka kelas ini, bagus Mbak Vetta!
Terima kasih

Ruth Quirk
February 2016

Crash Course this 3 hour course is excellent. Easy to follow (guided by one teacher Vetta) and fun to participate. On my return to Bali I will definitely register for the next level course.
Thank you.

Jens Madsen
February 2016

Saya suka Cinta Bahasa
Great class

Angela Ege
February 2016

I liked the learning with Vetta and Okta very much.
Thanks a lot!
Sampai bertemu lagi

Benjamin Toubul
February 2016

Great course to start to learn Bahasa Indonesia. Thanks a lot for the “guru bagus” Okta!

Ankleolde Kelzer
February 2016

Thank you very much for the lesson. Vetta is a really good teacher and she’s go a lot of patience. We really enjoyed the lesson and learned a lot. Terim kasih Salam Ankle!

Karlyn van Griensen
February 2016

I had a good game time at Cinta Bahasa, I learned a lot in 20 hours of lesson. Vette is very friendly and good teacher, so thank you a lot Vetta! I also want to saya thank you to the other staff of Cinta Bahasa. If I ever met people who want to learn Bahasa Indonesia, I want recommed this language school.

Terima kasih! Salam, Karlyn dari Belanda

Fortune Dom
February 2016

First: I learned a lot about the language Indonesia, but specially I learned & enjoy the special atmoshphere of the school and all of the teachers. It was so cool (keren!) so thank you so much.

Maryna Shubina
February 2016

Saya sangat senang bahwa saya belajar bahasa Indonesia di sekolah Cinta Bahasa. Terima kasih banyak untuk kelas yang menarik sekali. Terima kasih banyak pada pengetahuan. Dan khususnya, terima kasih banyak untuk Mbak Vetta, guru yang paling baik!

Katinka van den Bergh
January 2016

Thank you Trias dan Pak Tony for a very interesting week. Minggu sangat menarik! Terima kasih!

Melissa Moanie
January 2016

Kamu guru baik dan menyenangkan, saya suka kelas bahasa Indonesia karena itu asyik! Saya akan rindu kamu dan Cinta Bahasa, bahasa saya lebih baik sekarang, saya harap kamu punya tahun baik! Terima kasih!

Akio Fukuda
January 2016

Bagus sekali!

Nick (Global Hobo)
January 2016

Dewa and all the other teachers have been very good! The way that they taught the callses made it very easy to learn basic Indonesian! Terima kasih!

Tessa (Global Hobo)
January 2016

Dewa was a fantastic teacher, incredibly patient and helpful. I would definitely recommended him to any of my friends coming to Bali in the future.

Haley (Global Hobo)
January 2016

Bagus kelas! I have learnt so much about Bahasa Indonesia. It has been a real challenge learning another language. Guru Hana dan Dewi have been amazing teachers. Terima kasih Cinta Bahasa.

Jessica Howard
January 2016

Cinta Bahasa offered four weeks of very insightful and helpful language classes. The teachers were great as they taught in a very fun and exciting way. They helped us to learn what was necessary to spend time in Bali & it was easy to get around knowing the local language. Terima kasih

Abe Burford
January 2016

Studying with Cinta Bahasa has been invaluable for my Indonesian language skills. The school’s greatest asset is its enthusiastic, talented, professsional and friendly teachers. The school was flexible with my hours wich was very helpful. The intensive course has accelerated my ability to communicate in this country and set me up to futher improve into the future. Terima kasih banyak.

Liam Thompson
January 2016

I have had a great time learning Indonesian because of this will continue at home! Saya sangat suka belajar bahasa Indonesia! Terima kasih Cinta Bahasa.

Sophie Hueppauff
January 2016

Amazing teachers and great exercises which make learning bahasa easy! Thanks – terima kasih.

Grainne Regan
January 2016

Saya cinta bahasa Indonesia. A wonderfully easy language to get to grips with, all our teachers helped us learn enough B.I. To get harga lokal at the market and speak to orang-orang Indonesia when out and about. A very enjoyable and useful class. Thank you!

Mel O’Dell
January 2016

Firstly, thank you for this class – I love learnt a lot I will continue to study. Knowing B.I. Has helped me build friendships with orang-orang Indonesia. Having different teacher can be dissengaging. However Hana has been great, very patient as well!

Robert Hughes
January 2016

Della bagus!
Della is awesome!
Terima kasih untuk belajar kami.
Saya cinta B.I.

Emily Yates
January 2016

Della is the best teacher. She patient and kind and makes learning fun! I would highly recommended her.

Ellen Rykers
January 2016

Della was an amazing teacher – I loved class with her. I learnt so much and had heaps of fun.

Cait Scudder
January 2016

We loved our class with Vetta! She such an amazing teacher, incredibly patient, flexible, enganging and fun. We laughed and learned so much dan sekarang saya tahu banyak bahasa Indonesia.

Terima kasih banyak, Cinta Bahasa untuk kelas fabulous!

Toby Loneragan
January 2016

Sebelum saya mulai belajar dengan Cinta Bahasa, saya punya hanya sedikit bahasa Indonesia. Sekarang saya pintar semua dan saya suka Vetta! Dia radikal!


Irina Pampararo
January 2016

Just amazing! Time has run with Tony and he was coreful, helpful and not boring at all… and such a nice person! The most important is that he has a method. And learning with a method is an easy task….

I hope to to see him again!

Ines Katamso
January 2016

It was really nice to work on my Bahasa Indonesia with pak Yasa.

I learned really fast and I’m looking forward to continue our interesting conversations.

Thank you and sampai jumpa.

Serena Lin
January 2016

Terima kasih banyak!

Saya suka ngobrol sama guru dari Cinta Bahasa. Saya tahu banyak hal tentang budaya di Indonesia atau Bali. Lain kali kalau saya ke sini lagi dan kalau mau belajar saya akan pilih Cinta Bahasa.

Franz Reisinger
January 2016

Thanks very much for the 30 hours Indonesian Language training. Tony is a excellent teacher who was very patient in improving my language skill and tought me very many new words and grammar. Apart from that he tought me about Balinese and Indonesian culture and history.

I hope that I will come next year again and would be very glad to continue with Tony were we ended today.

Debbie McGowan
January 2016

I have really enjoyed having my lessons in Bali. I feel that I have learnt so much in a short time and I am so much more confident to speak. Thank you Hana. You are a terrific teacher.

Didi Ananda
January 2016

My teacher Dewi has explained and taught me Indonesian in a very clear and pedagogical way. I have learned a lot in the short time I have studied. Iam looking forward to come back for more. Thank you!

Beverly Tucker
January 2016

This course, both by skype an in-person, with Trias and Pak Tony, was very helpful. Sekarang saya lebih berani berbicara Bahasa Indonesia dengan orang-orang di sini. Terima kasih!

Miranda Rey Fleming
January 2016

Terima kasih banyak Cinta Bahasa!

Semua kelas menarik, berbeda dan menyenangkan! (lebih bagus dari pada sekolah!)

sekarang, saya mengerti lebih banyak kata daripada sebelumnya. Mungkin saya lupa beberapa kata tetapi saya akan selalu ingat orang dan guru di Cinta Bahasa.

Saya cinta kalian (penuh cinta) ini pengalaman hebat!

Terima kasih Pak Tony, Dewi, Daniel dan khususnya Trias!

Debbie McGowan
January 2016

I have really enjoyed having my lessons in Bali. I feel that I have learnt so much in a short time and I am so much more confident to speak. Thank you Hana. You are a terrific teacher.

Manik Djelantik
January 2016

Very good method and strategy I learned a lot! Yasa is a really good teacher!

Thank you so much!

Rebecca Thomas
January 2016

I loved learning Bahasa Indonesia with Dewi and Della at Cinta Bahasa. I feel a lot more confident to speak with people and having the classes each week has been fun and I have learnt a lot. Terima kasih banyak!

Serena Lin
January 2016

Terima kasih banyak!

Saya suka ngobrol sama guru dari Cinta Bahasa. Saya tahu banyak hal tentang budaya di Indonesia atau Bali. Lain kali kalau saya ke sini lagi dan kalau mau belajar, saya akan pilih Cinta Bahasa juga.

Samantha Howard
January 2016

My confidence significanly increased in Indonesian speaking. I have completed numerous Indonesian programs but my class with Yasa were by far the best. My favourite part was how Yasa would help me understand a word I didn’t know, rather than directly translating it. I am very happy with the textbook, audio and visual material I can we after the program.

Terima kasih.

Franz Reisinger
January 2016

Thanks very much for the 30 hours Indonesian language training. Tony is a excellent teacher who was very patient in improving my language skill and tought me very many new words and grammar. Apart from that he tought me about Balinese and Indonesian culture and history.

I hope that I will come next year again and would be very glad to continue with Tony were we ended today.

Laura Beavis
January 2016

I really enjoyed learning Bahasa Indonesia at Cinta Bahasa. My teacher, Mbak Okta and Pak Tony were both very patient, allowing me to ask questions that extended my knowledge, while also pushing me to improve. The private lessons allowed me to build on the language skills I already had while ensuring I had the correct structure and words. So now I am both more. Fluent and more correct. I hope to return to keep studying Bahasa Indonesia hore in the future. (Also, was incredibly friendly!)

David Backus
January 2016

The beginner course was great. I can now carry on simple conversation and I feel that soon I will progress much more quickly.

Anisa Wang
January 2016

A fun way to immerse into Indonesian language, very efficient learning. I split the class into 2 parts becouse of life circumstances and found it a very usefull practice to deepen the language skills by practising-the 2nd half was much easier. Arie is a very good teacher, and a very easy personality.

Luciano Leite
January 2016

I really enjoyed the class and it was a valuable experience! Thank you Arie!

Dagmar Hourasser
January 2016

Thank you Arie!

You are a wonderful teacher, loved to be in your class! We had a lot of fun and your way of teaching is really fine. Terima kasih, sampai jumpa!

Anne Xuan Clark
January 2016

I’ve lived in Bali for 4 years and FINALLY made it to Cinta Bahasa. I’ve hired a private tutor in the past, but CINTA BAHASA LEBIH BAGUS! The class structure, exercises and PR is really good.

Tentu, I love my teacher, Mas Arie. Terima kasih banyak untuk semuanya.

Rachael Davidson (Crash Course)
January 2016

The crash course involves very little croaking. It is a perfect way to begin or refresh knowledge of Bahasa Indonesia. All things tought care words and phrases commonly used by travellers.

Tricia Neylon
January 2016

Hana guru sangat bagus!

Anna Emma Josephina Smeltink
January 2016

Guru Hana guru bagus.

Saya belajar banyak kata-kata baru dan sekarang saya tidak takut bicara Bahasa Indonesia.

Karren Sarah Cole
January 2016

Guru Hana mantap. Seperti biasa, kelas asyik.