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Benny “The Irish Polyglot” Lewis & Author Tim Ferriss talk about learning to speak Indonesian language at Cinta Bahasa

Benny “The Irish Polyglot” Lewis & Author Tim Ferriss talk about learning to speak Indonesian language at Cinta Bahasa

In 2013, Tim Ferriss had just completed his third New York Times Bestselling book, The Four Hour Chef. He took time off to come to Bali, Indonesia to learn Indonesian language with Cinta Bahasa. Most people come to Bali without thinking about what they can do with their time while they are here. Not Tim! He knew exactly how he wanted to spend every hour of time he had available.

In 2014, Tim’s friend Benny Lewis also came to Cinta Bahasa to see our unique and effective methodology in action. In this interview, they talk about their experiences learning Indonesian language with us.

We are very honored to have both Tim and Benny learn with us, and we learned a great deal from them as well. We were very impressed by the speed at which they could master vocabulary and functional communication, and we did our best to be able to keep up with their voracious appetite for learning, and their world-class motivation.

Tim was such a fantastic person to support… and we learned so much from him in so many ways, as millions those who have read his books would also agree.

We look forward to seeing them in Bali again, and wish them even greater success!

Both Benny Lewis and Tim Ferriss are master learners, and language is an important part of their learning strategy. Here, they talk about their experiences learning at Cinta Bahasa in Ubud, with our Academic Director, Daniel Prasatyo.